Illegal Dumping on Harvey and Maple.

Monday 5 August 2013 12:21:00 PM

Location: Corner of Maple and Harvey

Categorie: Solid Waste


Hi, I live in **** E Harvey. So far I've had to call every week about people dumping trash on my neighborhood in front of blue sky towing. It's actually on the corner of Harvey and Maple, On Harvey everyone keeps dumping trash, I"ve put up signs, we try to catch people but they keep getting by us, somebody dumped again, I've got several pieces of mail, mr and mrs **** ****** on **** N Thorne Ave in Fresno 93704. IF somebody could please notify them or do I have to go knock on their door, cause I will, I'm getting very very upset with illegal dumping. And we gonna try to get a thing set up with the police dept, fundraisers for better signs, but in the meantime if you could please help us out, they keep dumping illegal chemicals and trash, I mean my kids have to walk through there and it's a nuisance, a public nuisance.

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