Make Shift Feed Lot

Wednesday 29 October 2014 09:27:00 AM

Location: Sales Creek Road, Clovis, CA 93619, USA

Categorie: Water


To whom it may concern, I am writing regarding an issue taking place on Sales Creek Road Clovis Ca. My ranch is located at **** Sales Creek Rd. ***. Above me, the land owners have set up a make shift feed lot on the down hill slope of a year round creek. I would believe this is the forth year of operation. Sales Creek, which once ran clear, is now dark in color and smells of cattle waste. In the flat lands below, you can see the cattle waste building up, especially on fence line that may trap some waste. Frogs, minnows and small fish used to be plentiful, but very few to none exist now. The pad that they built to feed their cows is only about 12 feet wide. The butt side of the cow is directly over the west side slope of the creek. This make clean up and removal of waste easy, since they just push it into the creek. They current have around 20-40 cattle. The main source of food is hay feed since the 30 acres of land they run cows on is poor and at best has been over ran for year. The owners, **** and **** **** have suggested that it is their right to build upon their land anywhere and in any manner they wish. This may be true, but if it affects land owners and their live stock below, it is everyone's problem. I think the thing that is most disheartening currently is the potential for this waste, standing in the summer and flowing profusely in the winter, can contaminate our drinking water wells. Currently, most down stream land owners have done everything possible to deter their animals from drinking from this possible infected and gross water. But, find it ridicules that we have to. We ask that the issue be reviewed, and if you find that the issue is true in nature, that a correction is forced. I truly appreciate you help in advance. If you have questions, pleases feel free to give me a call. Thank you, **** ******

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